Prize Winners
- For each of undergrad/graduate division, we will have the following prizes:
- The top two on-site UCR teams (all team members from UCR) will receive the First Prize. All other teams (non-UCR or online) reaching the same score will be awarded the same prize.
- The next three on-site UCR teams (all team members from UCR) will receive the Second Prize. All other teams (non-UCR or online) reaching the same score will be awarded the same prize.
- The next five on-site UCR teams (all team members from UCR) will receive the Third Prize. All other teams (non-UCR or online) reaching the same score will be awarded the same prize.
- For pre-college participants, we plan to have two First Prizes, three Second Prizes, and five Third Prizes.
- All top 50% teams will receive Honorable Mention if they are not Prize winners.
- The number of prize winners may be adjusted based on the number of participants in each division.
For all online participants, if they achieve the cutoff scores of the correpsonding awards or honorably mention, they can also receive electronic versions of the corresponding certificates.
Special Awards
All the special awards are only for on-site participants.
- The top 1 on-site team of each division will be the Champion.
- The rank will be decided first based on the total score, and the time used to achieve the total score.
- If the champion of the undergraduate/graduate division is not a UCR team (both team members are from UCR), the best UCR team will also receive the award.
Best Individual Award
- The best 3 individuals (single-member team) / top 1 individuals in each division will receive the Best Individual Award.
Fastest Solver Award
- The first team who gets the full mark in each problem (i.e., passing all the tests) will get the Fastest Solver Award.
- If the fastest solver is an online participant, this participant and the fastest solver on-site will both get the award.
Ada Award
The Ada Award will be granted to our outstanding female participants.
The Ada Award for the undergraduate and graduate divisions will be awareded to:
- All members in the top 2 all-women teams (including at least one from the undergraduate division), and
- The women participant(s) in the top 1 team (other than the two teams above) that has at least one women member
- The top 3 teams (other than the three teams above) that have at least one women member will receive Honorable Mention.
- The top 3 on-site female participants/teams among all divisions will also receive Honorable Mention if they are not the receiver of Ada Award of any particular division.
The Ada Award for the pre-college division will be awareded to:
- The top 1 female participants in the pre-college division.
- The top 3 female participants will get Honorable Mention.
- The number may be adjusted based on the number of participants in the pre-college division.
Best Starter Award
- The top 1 team with all first-year (undergraduate) members will get the Best Starter Award.